Friday, April 15, 2011

5th Year Business - visit from Economist

Local town councillor (since 2009), Alan O' Kelly recently visited CPC to meet the 5th Year Business class. Alan is a representative for the Naas area. There was a discussion about local politics and the role of the local public representative. Alan is an economist with IBEC (Irish Business & Employers Federation) and discussed economic issues with the students. It was interesting to get the views of an economist about the state of the eonomy, how it evolved and how it might be dealt with in the future. Alan is a member of Fine Gael, the leading party in government and he tried to explain some of the policies being pursued by the new government. There was also a discussion about the work carried out by IBEC. Alan explained how this body represents employers. It was an interesting learning experience for the students and it will prove useful for them in the future. A big thank you to Alan for taking the time to call to our school. S. Dowling (5th Year Business Teacher).

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