Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fundraising Draw Launched

A week for two in the Algarve in Portugal for the winning ticket buyer and a trip for two to a Manchester United game at Old Trafford for the winning seller are prizes in a new draw launched this week at the school. Money raised will be used to provide stone to put the finishing touches to the Sacred Space and as part of this to lower the exterior wall of the old convent building. The wall will be lowered to 1m and a railing will be put on top of this. Students are being asked to help with the project by selling tickets for €2 each. The main incentive for students is that when they fill a card they will participate a draw for a prize of a trip to Manchester for two. THE scared space and wall project will cost in excess of €200,000. When complete the Sacred Space will provide a unique area within the heart of the school for liturgical events as well as for meditation and contemplation. It will be able to accommodate an entire year group of just over 100 students.

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