Tuesday, December 7, 2010

On Friday the 8th of October, the Transition Year Art class went to the Hugh
Lane Gallery. The drive to the Hugh Lane wasn't that long. On arrival to the
gallery we filled in a questionnaire about Sir John Lavery's work.

In the first room was paintings of Hazel Lavery (his wife) on her death bed
and her coffin. As the tour continued there was a room with letters from
Hazel to Micheal Collins. This was shocking.

After the tour, we went up stairs for a drama session. During the session we
did freeze frames of paintings and our own new Irish currency. Then we had

After lunch, we returned to the gallery. We were asked by our teacher to
look at Francis Bacon's Studio and sketch our favourite John Lavery
painting. All of us went to Francis Bacon's Studio and were engulfed in it's
beauty. Then we noticed that we only had 5 minutes to sketch a painting.

This experience was enjoyable and I learned lots

By Daniel Brierton 4th Year

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