Thursday, February 17, 2011

International Childhood Cancer Day – 5A visit Barretstown

On Tuesday the 15th of February, 5A visited Barretstown Castle to mark International Childhood Cancer Day. Our class was joined by other local schools, sponsors, past campers and their families and President Mary Mc Aleese.
When we arrived we were given refreshments. We then met our leaders Aoife and Kenny who would be looking after us for the day. They took us on a tour of the castle and camp and gave us a brief history lesson on the castle and camp. We were shown the cottages the campers stayed in and told what happened during each session; the activities such as high and low ropes, archery, fishing, canoeing and also horse-riding. We were also shown the “Med-Shed” which is the on-site hospital. Everyone enjoyed the tour and the playground proved to be a big hit with the class. We were given challenges along the tour which went down well.

After the tour we were brought to the theatre where the President and others would be speaking. The first speaker was Karen, a past camper of Barretstown. The President spoke next and described Barretstown as a very happy place which brings a smile to your face. Last to speak was a doctor from Our Lady’s Hospital. When the speakers had finished we were entertained by the leaders. After enjoying a lovely lunch we headed back to school.

We would like to thank the staff of Barretstown for having us and preparing the lovely food, Tracy O' Dwyer who organised for us to go and Mr. Dowling for bringing us. A wonderful day was had by all.
I'd like to end this now with the key message from Barretstown:

"We've got the spirit, yes we do! We've got the spirit, how about you?"

Words by Emma Murphy (5A)
(S. Dowling LCVP Teacher)

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