Friday, November 12, 2010

Sticks and Stones Anti-Bullying Drama Workshops

The drama group Sticks And Stones recently came to the school to deliver a series of workshops which aimed to heighten awareness of bullying in all its guises, reveal the misery it inflicts and help break the silence that ensures its continuance. Drama provided a key element in getting the First Years to participate and engage with the issues. Using a combination of in-depth discussion, communication exercises, role-play and Forum Theatre the Sticks And Stones facilitators encouraged the First Years to explore and articulate their feelings and attitudes towards bullying. Their approach was not to attribute blame to individuals, but to look at the class holistically and to examine the group dynamics at play. It was intensive and participative - our students will never again be able to say: “It was only a joke”.

The Sticks And Stones format encourages pupils to take personal responsibility for their actions, and equips them with the skills to address bullying in their environment. Not only was it an excellent learning experience but great fun as well.

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